Monday, December 01, 2008


This came in my "Daily Wisdom News" by Liisa Coffey this morning. I thought that it was appropriate for today. I then realized that it is another LIDversary when I looked at our "meter" on the front page. Hmnn, yes we are getting somewhat closer but it is easier to think of everything being far away. We are also grieving the loss of my wonderful, gentle and kind Father-in-Law and I only write that here because my Brother-in-Law said that with one life ending another should be in our arms sooner than later. I love the idea of Ivan taking care of our girl and guiding her to us. We are searching for answers for so many questions and these pearls of wisdom resonated with me today.

"What we seek we do not find - that would be too trim and tidy for so reckless and opulent a thing as life. It is something else we find."-Susan Glaspell, The Morning Is Near Us, 1939

The journey is filled with twists and turns and all kinds of surprises. That's what keeps life interesting. Whatever it is that we seek, we end up finding so much more than we ever could have anticipated. Those unexpected treasures we come across give meaning, and significance, to our experience.-Lissa Coffey


Red Sand said...

My deepest condolences on your loss. A friend of mine who went through that with her father recently told me that she would ask her father to look for our child for us and that he (originally a priest) firmly believe that the newly departed were in the best position to guide the new souls.

D & S said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Please give Shawn a big hug from us. I know what he's going through. What beautiful words, and so true.