Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Happy Autumn Festival!!

I received this today from a friend in China. Karin wishes everyone all the mooncakes that they can enjoy!! We shared one last night and will enjoy the others down at the Ocean, watching the moon rise (not that we don't do this with every full moon!!). Ah, what a beautiful time of year. I love the customs and stories that surround this holiday. If you are interested in it, check it out here. As for moon cakes, we like the nut, single yolk version. Another friend told me today that all mooncakes have five elements that represent the five senses and are therefore good luck to eat.
To echo Karin's words - we hope that you all enjoy all the mooncakes you can!!!! Happy Mid Autumn Moon Festival!!!!!!!!!!


D & S said...

Happy autumn festival to you too!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

To you too!!!!!

Michelle said...

I haven't tried a mooncake yet, how are they? Happy Autumn festival to you too!
