Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Up early this morning...

very early. When I have a big event, it is very rare to have a good night sleep before it. My dreams were filled with horror stories like not having enough wine, the music ending too soon etc. Ah, the life of an event planner. So from 3:30am onward, I thought about numerous things; planning the day ahead and actually coming up with some good ideas. One of those ideas was to share these two stories of families in China right now. They are from Family Outreach International and one family is from Victoria. Shawn and I have been following their incredible trips. You can read about the Thoms at and the Wolffs at . Shawn loves reading about the plane trips to China and in China. The Wolffs actually posted a picture from the airplane. Shawn is very much looking forward to the 12 hour flight. I on the other hand... gravol all the way. So, have to get my day started. No news of my little sister's baby yet. Still waiting...

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