Sunday, July 09, 2006

We did it...

We bought the stroller. It was a big step but it was such a good deal and we can easily store it in the closet still in the box. When I have discussed this "early" purchase with family and friends, they are all so supportive, saying things like "buy what you can now while you still feel like you have money!!!" I guess all of those conversations about the cost of adopting in China have hit home. I can't believe how many people ask that question. It is not like the cost of an adoption is a private thing, you can go online and figure it out yourself if you like however it is kind of strange when strangers ask that question. I remember my girlfriend telling me that children don't cost much in the first few years. Well, when you adopt it does. Another experience that many families will never have to go through; saving and then spending thousands of dollars to have a child. We really appreciate the support we have been given by our family and friends from "gifts" to ensuring that the outings they invite us on do not cost an arm and a leg. There are lots of sacrifices that we make but from what we understand, this will continue as our daughter grows older.

The other side of this is the idea that we are "buying a baby" and that China is making big money on this venture, as are merchants, hotels etc. Well maybe they are but the orphanages that I have seen pictures of could really use the infusion of money. There are also a number of fundraising groups that were initiated by parents of children from China, to assist with special needs children and upgrading orphanages. So, we are not buying a baby, we are paying for services and for the trip of our lives!!!

A huge thank you to my Mom who, when I told her that we were four months into the wait, said "well honey, you are one month pregnant now!!" I think that she is starting to think a little bit about the time as she is coming to China with us. Love you Mom!


Johnny said...
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Johnny said...

When I asked people to put into perspective how much daycare costs each month and then multiply that by 12 months and then consider that the care is not 7:00a - 5:00p, but 24 hour care, then people don't seem as aghast at the fees we are asked to "donate".

Kristine said...

Thanks Johnny. That is a great analogy!! I will use it if you don't mind. Here in Canada, my family members pay $800.00 a month for their kids in daycare. It is expensive.